Xplore Berlin 2025 will take place from 25. – 27. July 2025.
Ticket sales are open!
XPLORE 2024 – The Rehearsal
A rehearsal is the joint practice of a process, the finding of forms and relationships, the development of structures and tools, the attainment of security in dynamic group processes. A rehearsal is the attempt to create the practical-structural but also physical-spiritual prerequisites that are necessary for complex collective processes – a choreography.
So this year’s xplore will be structured differently, in two parts: a rehearsal phase with workshops and exercises on Friday and Saturday – and then a single big play party on Sunday.
Just like in theatre, film or an orchestra rehearsal, we will focus on details, explore nuances and colours with precision and delve deep into concepts such as collaboration and communication. We will practise collective consciousness and not least creativity in order to create a SPACE OF PLAY together at the end of the process: a real celebration in the sense of an intoxicating, ecstatic and yet consciously designed and experienced ceremony.
I have only put together a very small team of five long-time collaborator*s for this xplore, we will also rehearse before the xplore, we will deal practically and theoretically with what makes a successful play party for us and how we can convey the necessary qualities and competences. We will then spend two days working with you in a disciplined way, learning skills and exploring potential, establishing a social field and a code of behaviour, and then celebrating a play party on the last day that will take place all day in all rooms of the xplore.
Felix Ruckert, April 2024