As a cultural theorist she explores ‘other states of being’, such as birth, mourning, hysteria, sleep, radical happiness & collective joy or sadomasochistic practices. After investigating how ropes can put people into active passivity – through bondage, but also puppet play or political activism – she is currently doing her doctorate on inventive forms of sex education beyond clear instructions, in which one experiments with wayward lifestyles that do not exclude insecurity, vulnerability, contradictions and lustful exuberance. Her essays appear on www.luhmendarc.blog Her theoretical interest is fed by practical experience, as she likes to put herself and others into ecstatic states. She arranges her workshops and sessions as a shared experience in which seemingly stupid questions are desired and failure is allowed, in which the search for one’s own style and connections is encouraged, and where the messiness of kink is met delicately without taming its potential.
More information: www.luhmendarc.de