
Transformational hedonism: talk (and play)

Why did you join Xplore? Did you feel something was missing from your life, that brought you to seek out sex positive communities and an expansion of your sexual horizon? How can this exploration of sexual liberation and hedonistic living lead to transformation in yourself, your communities, society, and the planet? 

In this session we are exploring in solo and small groups why we are here at Xplore, how could we bring more “this” to our lives. We dive deeper into topics on how to integrate more hedonism, lust and joy to each moment of our life, as well as identify what are the possible personal obstacles. You are invited to leave this session with a plan to make an action to transform the hedonistic energy and learnings beyond sexpositive spaces. Join to explore transformational play!

Men* Touching Men*

Men*, especially cis-gendered ones, take up a lot of space and hold a lot of power over others in this world. But does “power over” always equal “empowerment”, and is it possible to be an ally to those less privileged from a place of personal groundedness and responsibility rather than apology? Can listening and receiving be sources of strength for men* as well? This workshop proposes that the way men* relate to each other has a strong effect on the way they relate to others, and that somatic work has an important role to play in offering a safer space to explore tenderness, sensuality, and mutual support between men*, regardless of their gender or orientation. By men*, we refer to anyone who identifies as a man or who moves along the spectrum of masculinity, e.g. cis-, trans*- and inter*men and non-binary persons. We consider the terms man*, male* and masculine* to be a matter of self-definition, and welcome anyone to this workshop who resonate with these identities.

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